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"On the road
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So what does Captain Pete do when he comes to your school? Click to download "Captain Pete's Australia"

School programs and resources

Download this great Teacher's Aide

NEW for 2016 - Captain Pete's Song Writing workshop!


Invite Captain Pete to your school for his amazing SONG WRITING work shop. Limited to years 4-6 and for groups of 15 or less. Captain Pete will workshop, brainstorm,
'grimmel-grunch' and 'flabber-blast' your group of inspired, creative students to construct a song using the topic of their choice. 'Entirely Interactive', the session is split into 2 x 45minute sessions and 1 x 60minute session that includes recording and burning a CD at the end of the workshop. Now that's something to sing about!

Book early for 2016 and 2017…


Captain Pete's school presentation & author workshop.

Award winning singer songwriter and bush poet Peter Klein presents an interactive 90-minute show (with a difference) for all Primary School students. The creation of his book, ‘The (true) Adventures of Mudpoo'; underpins this author/music/drama workshop.

Captain Pete integrates music and drama with Australian themes to create an entertaining learning environment that allows students to discover that ‘creativity can lead to successful outcomes'.

Students will sing, act and perform in Captain Pete's percussion band of simple homemade instruments whilst discovering elements of Australia's settlement history.

The presentation is supplemented by: Peter Klein's books ‘The (true) Adventures of Mudpoo' and 'Mudpoo and the Magic Tree Stump'; and the CD, ‘On the Road with Captain Pete'. All items are available for schools and libraries to purchase as aids for further learning.

Themes may include: Bush Rangers; Swaggies; Early Pioneers; The Eureka Stockade; Banjo Paterson and other Australian bush poets; Waltzing Matilda; humpback whales, the Australian bush, caring for our native environment, native Australian animals, and more!

Outcomes that students will experience, include: how simple percussion instruments can be made; playing percussion music in a band; performing drama and music to an appreciative audience of peers; gaining an insight into the value of poetry/song/story telling; discovering there is an adventure in the ordinary things we do in life and learning the value of using your own literary skills and creativity to tell your stories!

To see where Captain Pete is performing next check out the "what's Captain Pete up to now?" page.

Due to the great response to Pete's workshops in the Albury-Wodonga, country regions and beyond, please book early to avoid disappointment. To book Captain Pete's creative interactive show and literacy workshops (for schools, libraries and festivals) use the contact page here.                                                 

If you're based in the Melbourne metropolitan area you can contact Creative net for bookings.   


Creativity Knows No Boundaries - For Casual Relief Teachers

"Creativity Knows No Boundaries" is my workshop which I presented to the Wodonga CRT Support Network (Professional Development Opportunities)  in April 2012. It is a literacy presentation that contained windows into: creative story writing; writing creative poetry; playing percussion with Captain Pete's music; using Mudpoo stories to create mini drama productions and building some simple fun musical instruments (the instrument designs are based on Jon Madins Wacky Instruments - from his book 'Make Your Own Wacky Instruments'). A fantastic creative time was had by all, with some very positive feedback coming from the participants.

best wishes to all

Captain Pete


A Christmas in Bethanga (a true story) by Captain Pete 2013


In Bethanga before Christmas, carols echoed the hills
A lamb born in our front paddock, our family was thrilled
We were all so happy, gathered round proud as punch
And fifteen guests were coming for our Christmas Day lunch!
Then the tap in the bathtub gurgled, spluttered and died…
“We’re all out of water,” came a sorrowful loud cry
So I checked the pipes, the tank, and our faithful old bore
Though the pump was still working we had water no more!
We hooked up the well that might do the job
Though it was dirty and rugged it was enough for the mob
We called up a tanker that might top us up
Now comes the story of our old missing pup
She’d snuck in the car and hid on the back seat
She’d been locked up for an hour in ‘thirty-plus’ heat
Her tongue had turned blue she was gasping her last
When we held her quite gently in an icy cold bath
For 30 minutes or more we all held our breath
Our best Christmas present…, our dog escaped death…
She drank fresh cold milk and twinkled her smile
And slept 3 long hours to recover her style
I set up the lights, Christmas table, the verandah’s pine tree…
Helped build the new Barbie it was something to see
Dig the weeds, buy some grog, prawns, turkey and food
Dec’ the tree, set the tables for a real Christmas mood
Then the phone rang, and Todd said he can’t make it this year
His mum had an accident and she’s hurt bad I fear
He’ll travel to Melbourne and hope for the best
The only thing he could do was to watch, care and rest
Our thoughts are all thinking for those who aren’t here
May the Christmas Eve wishes pass on thoughts we can share
Christmas Eve and the guests were soon gathered around
Cooking veg on the Barbie with beers going down
“What was that!” someone shouted, “beside the pine tree.”
‘Santa’s Magic’ and presents for grandson were three!
The evening and sharing and cheers for the food
Put spirits so high for a grand Christmas mood
Christmas Eve, Christmas tunes and chatting was great
We sat round the tree, Omi stayed up quite late!
Bella was tired and knew though that was fun
That we all had to sleep or Santa won’t come
Cookies and milk were set and carrots left too
And we all went to sleep waiting the day to be new
In the morning the tree was surrounded by gifts
The stockings were full and for names we should sift
Here’s a few more for Bella, two for Martin and Luke,
And one for Narelle and Pete’s is a beaut…
Annette and Laura and Rachel as well
And Patrick and Kaloe, their presents were swell
The Christmas day rustling as wrappings are torn
And the smile on faces on a fresh Christmas morn
The surprise and the presents were not quite the best…
For what was to come, we all could attest…
A baby Alpaca had made it’s own way
Born in our grassy front paddock on a warm Christmas day!
There were Nanna’s and Omi’s, Uncles and Aunts
Nieces and Nephews who all played their part
Narelle led the cooking and it filled us all up
Desert, Christmas pudding and Pav, fruit and yum!
The carols were playing as galahs shrilled and shrieked
They echoed their songs at meal times they peaked…!!!
After lunch I reflected too good to be true
A Christmas alpaca born fresh and anew
In that moment of joy I was distracted away
Our cool pet goat Silky could no longer stay…
She lay in the dust near the fence and the tree
She had died Christmas day…no longer to be…
One life is anew and one is away
We discovered this feeling on our Christmas day
We dug and we toiled and all did our best
To find a good spot for Silky to rest
Whilst digging a red-bellied black we disturbed
Who slipped through our toes and our feet unperturbed!
We placed the rocks on the grave and gave a flowered farewell
And went back to the Verandah to rest and to dwell
Then Martin he shouted, “I must climb the hill!”
I got such a surprise my beer I did spill!
So off with shudder and a Christmas day shake
Six strode for the hill for the viewing to take
The bull and the cattle got quite a surprise
As four city slickers strode up by their side
We all reached the spot on the side of the hill
Where the view was so grand, we got such a thrill
The views ‘round Bethanga on a warm Christmas day
Is enough to take all of our ‘puffed’ breaths away!
Then voices came calling from way down below
It sounded like “Come down!” or “Here!” or “Hello!”
As the sun in the distance changed color and shade
The hues were all glowing with the clouds as they played
We hurried on down our feet travelled far
Narelle yelled out excitedly, “We’ve found - echidna!”
Kaloe from Hawaii got really down low
At the back fence near the dairy an echidna so slow
It dawdled and stared in a Christmas day daze
Cameras and flashes it was scarcely unfazed
I warned everyone, “The cattle fence is ‘alive!’
One touch and you’ll know it you’ll get ‘lectrified’!”
As I passed on my camera to the side of the fence
A question was asked, I was distracted and hence…
I caught a good blast that damaged my pride
And found the fence worked… as my armpit got fried
It raised a slight chuckle and a cool Christmas cheer
So I walked back to the house in search of more beer…
We walked back in a group and talked of the day
When Kareeba the Alpaca spied us our way
We’d just changed his paddock to put him aside
As he was the dad of our new Christmas day pride
He wasn’t real happy he’d been moved from his loot
So he charged at the crowd with his chest puffed to boot!!!

Laura and Martin fell into the dirt
Lucky for all no-one got hurt
We all laughed as we sang with guitars oh so loud
And ate left over food that made us all proud
So then it was over, though no cricket we played
Will you drop by Bethanga next Christmas day?!!!
By Captain Pete 30.12.13 





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